This directory contains files that provide an overview of the availability of the EPN coordinate products 1) at the BKG Regional Data Centre ----------------------------------- For the daily (mandatory) products: - CHECK_DAILY_BKG_[CCYY].SNXX For the (optional) weekly products: - CHECK_WEEKLY_BKG_[CCYY].SNXX with - [CCYYY] = Year These files are generated by the EPN CB. Only the analysis centres which are active during the concerned year are listed in the files. The delays (1 = 7-13days; 2 = 14-20days; 3 = 21-27days...) are computed for the RAPID (R) solutions as long as the FINAL (F) solutions are not yet available. 2) at the BEV Regional Data Centre ----------------------------------- For the daily (mandatory) products: - CHECK_DAILY_BEV.SNXX For the (optional) weekly products: - CHECK_WEEKLY_BEV.SNXX These files are downloaded several times a day from the BEV server : (temporary solution) The EPN CB plans to also generate and provide for BEV similar files as currently provided for BKG.